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Wilderness Canoe Camping in Canada
Meeting ID:
883 0060 8983
Event Contact(s)
Dan Rempp
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
About this event
Have you ever considered a wildness canoe trip to Canada? Join the LVKCC for a presentation by Jeff Fetterman and Taia Harlos from the Philadelphia Canoe Club about there experiences leading multi week trips from Temagami Provincial Park to the Cree settlement of Moosonee on James Bay, Canada. They will share their stories, gear ideas, cooking secrets, and planning process through a series of stunning photos and videos documenting their trips. As Wilderness First Responders, they have a wealth of experience that can provide valuable insights on how to take care of yourself in remote areas.
The presentation will take place on February 6th at 7PM at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus, Pa.
If you are a member of the LVKCC, and cannot attend in person, a Zoom link will be sent out.